Sunday, August 19, 2018

A Blog Reborn

Hello Everyone!! I am back! It's been quite a while, and you can see that I have changed my blog title. I'm no longer "Pedagogical Ponderings", I am "Thiede's thoughts". I was definitely thinking about creating a brand new blog for this, however, I think it's important for me to have everything as an open archive. That way I can look back and say "wow, maybe I was such a dummy way back when!"

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Me looking at my old blog posts. I feel like I was a little too condescending, but we all change and hopefully for the better :)

That being said, this blog will change a teeny bit. I'll be adding more things than just pedagogical theory, because wowza, is there a lot more to teaching than just teaching. While I don't expect this blog to be a perfect example of how to teach (as there are no perfect teachers) I hope that you can learn a few tips and tricks about being a good teacher, maintaining stress levels, and having a good lesson plan.

I'll be posting my first (technically second but shhhh) new blog post in roughly an hour about starting the school year off right! I hope everyone here enjoys the reborn blog!

PS. I would like to thank a few people for everything they have done. Steffanie Rowinski for recommending that I restart my blog. Truth be told, I probably wouldn't have started it without your help. I appreciate your support and encouragment. I would also like to thank Emily Brondstad for being my only subscriber. I'm pretty sure that you only did it to the class but shout out to you! I hope you both have a very good year full of happiness and growth!

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