Monday, April 25, 2016

Thanks for Playing!

Well everyone, this is it. The last post ever (maybe). As such , I am going to highlight some of my "best" work. Yes, I know, it's foolish to discern between the plethora of perfect works I have created, but dang it, I will try!

Most Professional: Knock Knock, Get the Door, it's Digital Storytelling

I must admit, I find the concept of "most professional" rather silly. I have never really tried to speak in a professional manner. Like the late Justice Scalia, I find it that people find readings more interesting if you give them strength and emotion. I feel like my writing in this post went over pretty well, and I am very proud of it.

Best Design: I think without a doubt it is my Writers Profile

I like it because it's short, sweet, and gets to the point. Much like my rationale! I don't think there's much else to add, other than this is what the full image of my profile looks like:

what a looker!

Most Creative: Show and Tell

I thought this was the most obvious because I literally went out and created that bad boy. The rest of my blog posts were me interacting with things through writing, not making a movie. It was also a lot of fun.

what most thought of my video

People's Choice: Me (Probably)

"I know the Haitian People because I am the Haitian people." -Papa Doc

Like all other great men before me, I am nothing without the voice of my people (the ones who say what I want them to, anyway. Dissent looks bad on the news.) I look to you, my loyal audience, to determine my fate.

My vote, as important as it may be, goes to Travis. His blog is very well written, has some sweet images, and he did the baseball thing when no one else would. For that I am in his debt. I highly recommend it to any other readers.

I wish you all the best in all future endeavors,

Max Thiede

1 comment:

  1. I love all of your posts, Max! They are always so creative and interesting. My favorite would have to be the book trailer. You really found the perfect way to use multimodal composition and even got me thinking about my favorite books, TV shows, and movies I could make trailers on. I also like your digital storytelling for how it was professional without being boring. i would definitely give any of your blog posts a BLOSCAR. :)


system.out.println("what a great program");