Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Blog Post 8

Before I start, I can't help but notice the exclusionary nature of the Bloscars. As stated, a winner must be a "Representative of 2019/2020 cohort." This unnecessary and exclusionary practice is unfair to those who don't fit into this exclusive group. These hurtful practices drag down the legitimacy of the Bloscars as an institution and the entire blogging community at large. I hope a new board can be created to ensure fairness and equity in future Bloscars going forward.

My vote for people's choice awards goes to:

Grace Armstrong's Teacher in Training. Grace's blog is well designed, has creative images, and speaks ideas clearly and effectively. It is a model blog that others should follow.

Civic Engagement

I believe my work most civically engaging post was my Digital Composition post. In this post, I traced similar movements between the Rodney King movement and the George Floyd movement. I think what really elevates this from a normal blog post is its look at history. It's important that we look as past trends, as they can help us identify longstanding problems that exist, and what strategies to pursue and avoid as we demand change.


I would have to say my most creative post was my Digital Production post. In this post, I presented a creations that represent a house from Not a Drop to Drink. I think all my posts are creative, but each commenter spoke praises of its creativity, and it's important to take other perspectives into consideration, even when reflecting. I think here I have no choice but to agree.

Best Design. 

I think my best design would have to go to Writing Processes. In this post, I explored how writing is done, from the beginning to the end. While my prior posts are exceptional, I think this one stands out because it doesn't look bad. While looking at my old posts, I noticed a lot had either long paragraphs or awkwardly placed images, or both. This one has neither. Sometimes the bar is that low.

Thanks for all the comments from others. I wish you the best of luck when you get into teaching,

Max Thiede

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system.out.println("what a great program");