Sunday, September 16, 2018

Post #4: Big News/Film Rant

A few days ago, I got some pretty awesome news. I was selected to be a member of the 2018 Milwaukee Film Fest Educator Fellowship! It means I get a free Milwaukee film fest pass, a few new books, and a few other Film Fest knickknacks.

I was thinking about the topic of education in film the other day and how it relates to English. Media Literacy is one of the most important parts of modern society because we are bombarded with so many images across our daily lives. It is definitely crucial to talk about with our students and determine how to make sure we are making smart choices and being able to recognize problematic ideas, as well as thinking of ways that we can improve images themselves.

When students typically look at films, they simply see "cognitive slumber party" and they do little to no mental work at deciding how things should be dissected. That's why it is important to model what analyzing a film looks like, analyzing what makes something "good" or "bad". Without this they'll always just sleep on it. As educators we have to change their minds to be more critical when it comes to images.

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system.out.println("what a great program");